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XQTO File Manager 2.2 problem

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Oläst 2009-05-07, 23:30 #1
Firekicker Firekicker är inte uppkopplad
Reg.datum: Mar 2003
Inlägg: 86
Firekicker Firekicker är inte uppkopplad
Reg.datum: Mar 2003
Inlägg: 86
Hej, är det någon som kan se vad som är fel- det går inte att skapa mappar med scriptet och inga felmeddelanden kommer.. se scriptet online på : http://jbnmedia.net/filemanager/index.php


/* XQTO File Manager 2.2
*Copyright (C) 2008 XQTO.com All rights reserved.
*Web Site: http://www.xqto.com
*This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
*as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
*of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
*This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*GNU General Public License for more details.
*You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
*Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

// set these configuration variables
$loginrequired = false; // change this to false if you dont want to use authentication
$user = 'username'; // change this to the username you would like to use
$pass = 'password'; // change this too
$maxfilesize = '5000000'; // max file size in bytes
$hddspace = '100000000'; // max total size of all files in directory
$hiddenfiles = array('.htaccess','fileicon.gif','foldericon.gif','arrowicon.gif','styles.css','LICENSE.txt'); // add any file names to this array which should remain invisible
$editon = true; // make this = false if you dont want the to use the edit function at all
$editextensions = array('htm','html','txt'); // add the extensions of file types that you would like to be able to edit
$makediron = true; // make this = false if you dont want to be able to make directories
$newdirpermissions = 0777;
$heading = 'Filarkiv';
$downloadrate = 130000; // 130000 bytes per second typical download speed for working out download times
$timezone = '';

$type['jpg'] = 'Bild';
$type['jpeg'] = 'Bild';
$type['gif'] = 'Bild';
$type['psd'] = 'Photoshop';
$type['ai'] = 'Illustrator';
$type['eps'] = 'Bild';
$type['bmp'] = 'Bild';
$type['as'] = 'ActionScript';
$type['fla'] = 'Flash Source';
$type['swf'] = 'Flash';
$type['mov'] = 'Filmklipp';
$type['mpeg'] = 'Filmklipp';
$type['mpg'] = 'Filmklipp';
$type['mp4'] = 'Filmklipp';
$type['mp3'] = 'Ljudklipp';
$type['wav'] = 'Ljudklipp';
$type['wmv'] = 'Filmklipp';
$type['avi'] = 'Filmklipp';
$type['txt'] = 'Dokument';
$type['doc'] = 'Dokument';
$type['pdf'] = 'Dokument';
$type['htm'] = 'Webbsida';
$type['html'] = 'Webbsida';
$type['phtml'] = 'Webbsida';
$type['phtm'] = 'Webbsida';
$type['php'] = 'Webbsida';
$type['asp'] = 'Webbsida';
$type['jsp'] = 'Webbsida';
$type['aspx'] = 'Webbsida';
$type['cfm'] = 'Webbsida';
$type['exe'] = 'Applikation';
$type['xls'] = 'Kalkylblad';
$type['zip'] = 'Zippat Arkiv';
$type['rar'] = 'Zippat Arkiv';
$type['gzip'] = 'Zippat Arkiv';
$type['tar'] = 'Zippat Arkiv';
$type['log'] = 'Loggfil';
$type['js'] = 'Javascript';
$type['css'] = 'Stilmall';
if($timezone != '') {
$showlogin = false;
$msg = '';
$thisfilename = basename(__FILE__); // get the file name
$path = str_replace($thisfilename,'',__FILE__);  // get the directory path

if($_REQUEST['user'] != '') {
if(strpos($_REQUEST['pathext'],'..') !== false) {
if(strpos($_REQUEST['delete'],'..') !== false) {
if(strpos($_REQUEST['delete'],'/') !== false) {

if($loginrequired === true) { // check to see if they are logged in ---------------------------------------------------------
	if($_SESSION['user'] != $user) {
 $showlogin = true;

if($_GET['logoff']) {
	$_SESSION = array();
	if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) {
  setcookie(session_name(), '', time()-42000, '/');
	$showlogin = true;

if($_POST['login']) { // if the login button has been pressed ----------------------------------------------------------------
	if(!($_POST['u'] == $user && $_POST['password'] == $pass)) {
 $msg = "<span class='wf-error'>The login details were incorrect</span><br /><br />";
 $showlogin = true;
	} else {
 $_SESSION['user'] = $user;
 $showlogin = false;

if($showlogin === true) { // if the login screen should be shown --------------------------------------------------------------
	$filemanager = "
	<table class='wf' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='20' width='100%'>
	<span class='wf-heading'>$heading</span><br />
	<form name='wfform1' method='post' action='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]'>
	<span class='wf-text'>User Name:</font><input type='text' name='u' /></span><br />
 	<span class='wf-text'>Password:</font><input type='password' name='password' /></span><br />
 	<input type='submit' name='login' value='Login' />

if($showlogin === false) {

	// test the directory to see if it can be opened, this is tested so that it does not try and open
	// and display the contents of directories which the user does not have persmission to view ---------------------------------
	if($_REQUEST['pathext']) {
 $newpath = substr($path.$_REQUEST['pathext'], 0, -1);  // remove the forward or backwards slash from the path
 $dir = @opendir($newpath);
 if($dir == false) { // if the directory could not be opened
 	$_GET['back'] = 1; // go back to displaying the previous screen
 } else {
	if($_GET['back'] != '') { // if the back link was clicked ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 $_REQUEST['pathext'] = substr($_REQUEST['pathext'],0,-1);
 $slashpos = strrpos($_REQUEST['pathext'],'/');
 if($slashpos == 0) {
 	$_REQUEST['pathext'] = '';	
 } else {
 	$_REQUEST['pathext'] = substr($_REQUEST['pathext'],0,$slashpos+1);
	if($_GET['edit'] != '') { // if an edit link was clicked ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 $fp = fopen($path.$_REQUEST['pathext'].$_GET['edit'], "r");
 $oldcontent = fread($fp, filesize($path.$_REQUEST['pathext'].$_GET['edit']));
 $filemanager = "
 <table class='wf' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='20' width='100%'>
 <span class='wf-heading'>$heading</span><br />
 <form name='form1' method='post' action='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]'>
  <textarea name='newcontent' cols='45' rows='15'>$oldcontent</textarea>
  <br />
  <br />
  <input type='submit' name='save' value='Spara'/>
  <input type='submit' name='cancel' value='Ångra' />
  <input type='hidden' name='u' value='$_POST[u]' />
  <input type='hidden' name='savefile' value='$_GET[edit]' />
  <input type='hidden' name='pathext' value='$_REQUEST[pathext]' />
	if ($_POST['upload'] != '') { // if the upload button was pressed --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 if($_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'] != '') { // if a file was actually uploaded 
 	$_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'] = str_replace('%','',$_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']); // remove any % signs from the file name
 	// if the file size is within allowed limits
 	if($_FILES['uploadedfile']['size'] > 0 && $_FILES['uploadedfile']['size'] < $maxfilesize) {
  // if adding the file will not exceed the maximum allowed total
  $hddtotal = dirsize($path); // get the total size of all files in the directory including any sub directorys
  if(($hddtotal + $_FILES['uploadedfile']['size']) < $hddspace) {
  	// put the file in the directory
  	move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $path.$_REQUEST['pathext'].$_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']);	
  } else {
  	$msg = "<span class='wf-error'>Det är slut på diskutrymme och<br />filen kunde inte laddas upp.</span><br />";
 	} else {
  $maxkb = round($maxfilesize/1000); // show the max file size in Kb
  $msg = "<span class='wf-error'>Filen är för stor.</span><br />";
 } else {
 	$msg = "<span class='wf-error'>Var god välj en fil innan du trycker på ladda upp knappen.</span><br />";
	if($_POST['save']) { // if the save button was pressed on the edit screen -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 $newcontent = stripslashes($newcontent);
 $fp = fopen($path.$_REQUEST['pathext'].$_POST['savefile'], "w");
 fwrite($fp, $newcontent);
	if($_GET['delete'] != '') { // if the delete link was clicked -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // delete the file or directory
 if(is_dir($path.$_REQUEST['pathext'].$_GET['delete'])) {
 	$result = @rmdir($path.$_REQUEST['pathext'].$_GET['delete']);
 	if($result == 0) {
  $msg = "<span class='wf-error'>Mappen kunde inte raderas. Mappen måste vara tom innan du kan radera mappen.</span><br />";
 } else {
 	if(file_exists($path.$_REQUEST['pathext'].$_GET['delete'])) {
	if($_POST['mkdir'] != '' && $makediron === true) { // if the make directory button was clicked ------------------------------------------------------
 if(strpos($path.$_REQUEST['pathext'].$_POST['dirname'],'.') === false) {
 	$result = @mkdir($path.$_REQUEST['pathext'].$_POST['dirname'], $newdirpermissions);
 	if($result == 0) {
  $msg = "<span class='wf-error'>Mappen kunde inte skapas. Detta kan bero på ett ogiltig mappnamn.</span><br />";
	if($filemanager == '') { // show the main screen -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 $hddtotal = dirsize($path); // get the total size of all files in the directory including any sub directorys
 $freespace = round(($hddspace - $hddtotal)/1000); // work out how much free space is left
 $hddtotal = round($hddtotal/1000); // convert to Kb instead of bytes
 $hddspace = round($hddspace/1000); // convert to Kb instead of bytes
 $maxfilesizekb = round($maxfilesize/1000); // convert to Kb instead of bytes
 // if $makediron has been set to on show some html for making directories
 if($makediron === true) {
 	$mkdirhtml = "<input type='text' name='dirname' size='15' /><input type='submit' name='mkdir' value='Skapa mapp' />";
 // build the html that makes up the file manager
 // the $filemanager variable holds the first part of the html
 // including the form tags and the top 2 heading rows of the table which
 // dont display files
 $filemanager = "
 <table class='wf' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='20' width='100%'>
 <span class='wf-heading'>$heading</span><br />
 <span class='wf-label'>Utrymme totalt:</span> <span class='wf-text'>$hddspace Kb</span> <span class='wf-label'>Max Fil Storlek:</span> <span class='wf-text'>$maxfilesizekb Kb</span><br />
 <span class='wf-label'>Ledigt utrymme:</span> <span class='wf-text'>$freespace Kb</span> <span class='wf-label'>Använt utrymme:</span> <span class='wf-text'>$hddtotal Kb</span><br />
 <form name='form1' method='post' action='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
 <input type='hidden' name='MAX_FILE_SIZE' value='$maxfilesize' />
 $mkdirhtml <br /><input type='file' name='uploadedfile' />
 <input type='submit' name='upload' value='Ladda upp' />
 <input type='hidden' name='u' value='$_REQUEST[u]' />
 <input type='hidden' name='pathext' value='$_REQUEST[pathext]' />
 <table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='center'>
 <tr class='wf-heading'> 
 <td width='25'></td>
 <td><span class='wf-headingrow'>Filnamn</span></td>
 <td><span class='wf-headingrow'>Typ</span></td>
 <td><span class='wf-headingrow'>Storlek</span></td>
 <td><span class='wf-headingrow'>D/L Tid (DSL)</span></td>
 <td><span class='wf-headingrow'>Ändrad</span></td>
 <tr class='wf-line'> 
 <td colspan='9' height='2'></td>
	// if the current directory is a sub directory show a back link to get back to the previous directory
 if($_REQUEST['pathext'] != '') {
 	$filemanager .= "
 	<td class='wf-lightcolumn'><img src='arrowicon.gif' alt='back icon' /></td>
 	<td class='wf-darkcolumn'><a href='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?u=$_REQUEST[u]&amp;back=1&amp;pathext=$_REQUEST[pathext]'>&laquo;Tillbaka</a></td>
 	<td class='wf-lightcolumn'></td>
 	<td class='wf-darkcolumn'></td>
 	<td class='wf-lightcolumn'></td>
 	<td class='wf-darkcolumn'></td>
 	<td class='wf-lightcolumn'></td>
 	<td class='wf-darkcolumn'></td>
 	<td class='wf-lightcolumn'></td>
 	<tr class='wf-darkline'> 
 	<td colspan='9' height='1'></td>
 // build the table rows which contain the file information
 $newpath = substr($path.$_REQUEST['pathext'], 0, -1);  // remove the forward or backwards slash from the path
 $dir = @opendir($newpath); // open the directory
 while($file = readdir($dir)) { // loop once for each name in the directory
 	$filearray[] = $file;
 foreach($filearray as $key => $file) {
 	// check to see if the file is a directory and if it can be opened, if not hide it
 	$hiddendir = 0;
 	if(is_dir($path.$_REQUEST['pathext'].$file)) {
  $tempdir = @opendir($path.$_REQUEST['pathext'].$file);
  if($tempdir == false) { $hiddendir = 1;}
 	// if the name is not a directory and the name is not the name of this program file 
 	if($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != $thisfilename && $hiddendir != 1) {
  $match = false;
  foreach($hiddenfiles as $name) { // for each value in the hidden files array
  	if($file == $name) { // check the name is not the same as the hidden file name
   $match = true; // set a flag if this name is supposed to be hidden
  if($match === false) { // if there were no matches the file should not be hidden
   $filedata = stat($path.$_REQUEST['pathext'].$file); // get some info about the file
   $encodedfile = rawurlencode($file);
   // find out if the file is one that can be edited
   $editlink = '';
   if($editon === true && !is_dir($path.$_REQUEST['pathext'].$file)) { // if the edit function is turned on and the file is not a directory
   	$dotpos = strrpos($file,'.');
   	foreach($editextensions as $editext) {
    $ext = substr($file, ($dotpos+1));
    if(strcmp($ext, $editext) == 0) {
    	$editlink = "<a href='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?edit=$encodedfile&amp;u=$_REQUEST[u]&amp;pathext=$_REQUEST[pathext]'>Ändra</a>";

   // create some html for a link to download files 
   $downloadlink = "<a href='./$_REQUEST[pathext]$encodedfile'>Visa/Ladda ner</a>";

   // create some html for a link to delete files 
   $deletelink = "<a href='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?delete=$encodedfile&amp;u=$_REQUEST[u]&amp;pathext=$_REQUEST[pathext]'>Radera</a>";
   // if it is a directory change the file name to a directory link
   if(is_dir($path.$_REQUEST['pathext'].$file)) {
   	$filename = "<a href='$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?u=$_REQUEST[u]&amp;pathext=$_REQUEST[pathext]$encodedfile/'>$file</a>";
   	$fileicon = "<img src='foldericon.gif' alt='folder icon' />";
   	$downloadlink = '';
   	$filedata[7] = '';
   	$downloadtime = '';
   	$modified = '';
   	$filetype = '';
   	if($makediron === false) {
    $deletelink = '';
   } else {
   	$filename = $file;
   	$fileicon = "<img src='fileicon.gif' alt='file icon' />";
   	$pathparts = pathinfo($file);
   	$filetype = $type[$pathparts['extension']];
   	$modified = date('d-M-y g:ia',$filedata[9]);
   	$downloadtime = round($filedata[7]/$downloadrate)+1;
   	if($downloadtime > 59) {
    $downloadtime = round($downloadtime/60);
    if($downloadtime > 59) {
    	$downloadtime = round($downloadtime/60);
    	$downloadtime = $downloadtime.' hrs';
    } else {
    	$downloadtime = $downloadtime.' min';
   	} else {
    $downloadtime = $downloadtime.' sec';
   	if($filedata[7] > 1024) {
    $filedata[7] = round($filedata[7]/1024);
    if($filedata[7] > 1024) {
    	$filedata[7] = round($filedata[7]/1024);
    	if($filedata[7] > 1024) {
     $filedata[7] = round($filedata[7]/1024,1);
     if($filedata[7] > 1024) {
     	$filedata[7] = round($filedata[7]/1024);
      $filedata[7] = $filedata[7].'Tb';
     } else {
     	$filedata[7] = $filedata[7].'Gb';
    	} else {
     $filedata[7] = $filedata[7].'Mb';
    } else {
    	$filedata[7] = $filedata[7].'Kb';
   	} else {
    $filedata[7] = $filedata[7].'b';
   // append 2 table rows to the $content variable, the first row has the file
   // informtation, the 2nd row makes a black line 1 pixel high
   $content .= "
   <td class='wf-lightcolumn'>$fileicon</td>
   <td class='wf-darkcolumn'><span class='wt-text'>$filename</span></td>
   <td class='wf-lightcolumn'><span class='wt-text'>$filetype</span></td>
   <td class='wf-darkcolumn'><span class='wt-text'>$filedata[7]</span></td>
   <td class='wf-lightcolumn'><span class='wt-text'>$downloadtime</span></td>
   <td class='wf-darkcolumn'><span class='wt-text'>$modified</span></td>
   <td class='wf-lightcolumn'>$downloadlink</td>
   <td class='wf-darkcolumn'>$deletelink</td>
   <td class='wf-lightcolumn'>$editlink</td>
   <tr class='wf-darkline'> 
   <td colspan='9' height='1'></td>
 closedir($dir); // now that all the rows have been built close the directory
 $content .= "</table></td></tr></table></center>"; // add some closing tags to the $content variable
 $filemanager .= $content; // append the html to the $filemanager variable


function dirsize($dir) {
// calculate the size of files in $dir

	$dh = @opendir($dir);
	$size = 0;
	if($dh != false) { // dont go into this loop if the dir was not opened successfully
 while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
 	if ($file != '.' and $file != '..') {
  $path = $dir.'/'.$file;
  if (is_dir($path)) {
  	$size += dirsize("$path/");
  } elseif (is_file($path)) {
  	$size += filesize($path);
	return $size;


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title><?php echo $heading?></title>
<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<?php echo $filemanager?>
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