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Oläst 2005-06-27, 09:36 #41
Tomas B Tomas B är inte uppkopplad
Flitig postare
Reg.datum: Apr 2005
Inlägg: 331
Tomas B Tomas B är inte uppkopplad
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Reg.datum: Apr 2005
Inlägg: 331
Glömde bort grazzy kommentarer:

Man lurar sig lätt att tro att "internet marketing" är något luddigt fint, men om man läser noga så dyker de välkända orden upp som "downline" och "system". Då vet man vart det bär. Till MLM-träsket med midnight train.
- Nej.. Du har ingen aning om vart det bär av grazzy..

Ang min artikel, en av de allra första av många jag skrev (om inte den allra första) för massor av år sedan så har det inget med "MLM-träsket" att göra som du tror utan var en artikel om den IM som jag sysslar med ... Med "downline" så har de flesta affiliate program en service som gör att de också får en liten del om de också skaffar egna affiliates tex sk 2-tier program och inga 20 stegs program som mlm ofta har ..

Tex en del av mina program erbjuder en affiliate 50% av allt han säljer samt om han vill, tex 10% på hans "egna" affiliates.. inget mlm eller pyramidspel eller liknande.. Och med "systemet" som grazzy tror har att göra med något mlm system så är det inget annat än den metod som du använder när du marknadsför din egen site.

BTW.. Här kommer hela artikeln.. utan tillägg eller ändring av ord:

Internet Marketing is right for everyone. Unfortunately, not everyone is right for internet marketing

I have been involved in internet marketing now for over 4 years, I have earned some money here and there but had never achieved the kind of success I was seeking. I've tried several things that didn't work, but I've learnd a massive amount and now I have the knowledge and understanding to make internet opportunities work.

To be successful online you must Know The Fundamentals To Success.

The marketers who are the most successful online are also the best students, they constantly study, read, listen, and watch. They go to conferences, they mastermind with other marketers, they then test and put into practice what they've learned.

The Fundamentals To Success

Educate Yourself. The Best Way To Assure Your Success Is To Learn As Much As You Can About Your Business, Program or Product. Represent products and services that you honestly believe in. If you don't understand and use your own products, you are dramatically limiting your income potential! You see.. the worst mistake you can make is to join any particular company based solely on the comp plan.

The better you know the market or product , the more enthusiastic you will be about recommending it - and you'll have a better chance that people will want to buy. You are much more able to tell others about what is there if YOU are using it yourself!. So Start Changing your Buying Habits TODAY! Save Yourself Money and Teach Others How To Do The SAME!

Treat It Like A Business: After All It Is!! Making money online is a BUSINESS. It's not just an "opportunity" and it's not about paying someone else to do all the work for you. If You Want Financial Freedom You Must Be Ready To Devote Your Self To Your Goals And Dreams!

Do you know the top reasons so many small business’ fail?

Under Capitalization. The number one reason for business failure is underestimating start up expenses and the money needed to keep your business alive in the months it takes to learn the ropes. It takes money to make money - that's it!! You need money for your tools, training and money to cushion for your mistakes..

Poor Planning and Research. If you don't plan to succeed, then life itself is planning for your failure. Make your business plan simple. Concentrate on building a list. Find affiliate programs and joint venture partners to supply products and income. Regardless of what marketing method you choose, you'll need a basic marketing plan and you will need to be Very consistent with it.

Poor Marketing. Promoting may not be as much fun, but it's key to making the fun parts pay off. You should spend more of your time marketing than on any other task. In the course of running your business, it's easy to get caught up in a million idiotic things..

Not taking action. The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make is not taking action. Alot of people get the paralysis of analysis. They think about it, They think about it, They think about it, Plan for it and so forth. BUT they never take action!! They are just dreamers!! The most successful people are minglers. They don't wait for customers to come to them. They're out there getting their name and business noticed.

Set Your Goals. You have to set goals for your online business. If you don't know where you're going, then how do you ever plan to get there. And for most people, they simply say they want to make $5,000 a month and quit their job. That's not enough. Be more specific. What would you like your life to be like one year from now? How about 5 years from now? How about 20 years?

Here's a rule a lot of people forget when marketing. "Internet marketing should be fun." If building a business is giving you ulcers and high blood pressure while your also growing incredibly unfit, then you're setting yourself up for failure. The Best Way to Produce A Lifestyle You Enjoy is By Doing What You Love! Find your LOVE and you will find success. Yes, it will be hard starting out. It is in any business you get started in. If your business is also your passion and your hobby though, YOU WILL make it through and won't quit when it gets hard, because you LOVE it.

Beware of "Microwave Mentality" Which is: Short Term Thinking. Make money for later not for today! Look at the Long Term! There is NO FREE LUNCH. No $5,000/mo in 3 months without working hard at it. Network Marketing is right for EVERYONE. Unfortunately, not everyone is right for network marketing. Most beginners in network marketing are very excited about getting started. However, even very determined individuals will fail within their first year if they are not working a proven system. Regardless of what marketing method you choose, you'll need a basic marketing system and you will need to be Very consistent with it. Marketing is never a "one-shot" deal. It always takes a steady effort, time and patience.

There is no one perfect system for marketing, but that's OK. With a good system and a steady effort you ll do just fine. If you already have a good system, and it can be easily duplicated to your downline, stick with it. If not, find a proven system that are currently working well and that can be duplicated by everyone in your group. It's just a numbers game - pure statistics.

Tomas B är inte uppkopplad   Svara med citatSvara med citat
Oläst 2005-06-27, 10:17 #42
Micke04 Micke04 är inte uppkopplad
Mycket flitig postare
Reg.datum: Oct 2004
Inlägg: 571
Micke04 Micke04 är inte uppkopplad
Mycket flitig postare
Reg.datum: Oct 2004
Inlägg: 571
Tomas, tack för ditt svar. Du tacklade mitt inlägg på ett bra sätt!

Nu ska jag nog ta och beställa några böcker i ämnet...
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Oläst 2005-07-14, 19:23 #43
thoake thoake är inte uppkopplad
Reg.datum: May 2004
Inlägg: 167
thoake thoake är inte uppkopplad
Reg.datum: May 2004
Inlägg: 167
Hittade den här tråden idag. Mycket bra tråd.

Blev det något nyhetsbrev?
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