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Looking for web developer for video streaming site

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Oläst 2014-12-28, 14:01 #1
johanmarkus johanmarkus är inte uppkopplad
Hej, jag är ny här.
Reg.datum: Dec 2014
Inlägg: 1
johanmarkus johanmarkus är inte uppkopplad
Hej, jag är ny här.
Reg.datum: Dec 2014
Inlägg: 1
Standard Looking for web developer for video streaming site

Sobaka Developments AB is looking for a web developer/webbutvecklare, who also will be a business partner, to its main product Pocketbeat.

Pocketbeat is a live video streaming platform for any musicians and artists who want to broadcast their performances live on the web for their fans. Pocketbeat strives to make live shows on the web qualitative, easy, available and engaging.

Pocketbeat is currently live with its beta version and can be found at www.pocketbeat.com.

Working tasks
You will be in charge of all technical development and will do all strategic planning for Pocketbeat’s technical development. As well as planning future development, you will also be hands on coding big time.

When you start at Pocketbeat, you will be the first one on board the technical department and will have to identify what further resources are needed to meet the goals and visions of Pocketbeat.

You will always be hands on with everything and making decisions regarding everything technical, from buying hardware to finalizing deals with strategic technical partners.

- You need to have knowledge about the majority of technical skills like .NET, ASP.NET MVC, C#, HTML5 and JavaScript, etc.
- No stranger to web protocols, application servers and web servers.
- You have some experience or understanding about developing an online video platform (codecs, streaming and players).
- An extra plus if you are familiar and have some knowledge about developing apps for OS X (desktop).
- It is an extra plus if you have done start ups before and have experience of one or more successful ones.

- You are an entrepreneur in your heart and mind. This doesn’t mean that you have done entrepreneurship before, it means that you:

Think outside the box.
Enjoy solving problems.
Never standing still.
Enjoy full speed forward.
Seldom takes no for an answer.

- You passionately love what you do.
- You are visionary with what you do and want to push the limits. Sky is not the limit.
- You are stress tolerant.
- You can handle many things at the same time.
- You have the ability looking at the bigger picture while being down and working on the minor details.

You will preferably be based in Stockholm but if you are a kick ass person and sits in a different city or country, we can of course look into it and see if we find a solution.

Important dates
Last day for sending your application is the 27th of January 2015. It is an extra benefit, but definitely not a requirement, if you can start working and become our business partner as soon as possible.

Final notes

If you like stability and a 9-5 job then this is not the job to apply for. We work until the work is done and we do it because we want to, not forced to.
You are in this for the ride, the thrill, the uncertainty, the fun of a team working hard and creating something together and hopefully at the end of the day create something that will positively impact how people go about their daily life.
Last but not least, we are looking for an operational and active business partner who goes all in, not a regular 9-5 employee.

Are you still up for the challenge and want to join this start up? Good! Email your introduction letter and CV to me at [email protected] or PM me.
johanmarkus är inte uppkopplad   Svara med citatSvara med citat

musik, streaming, utvecklare, utvecklare sökers, video

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